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Why track my mood?

Self-awareness: Mood tracking allows you to develop a deeper understanding of your emotions, patterns, and triggers. By becoming more self-aware, you can gain insights into how certain activities, environments, or interactions impact your mood.

Emotional regulation: Monitoring your mood enables you to recognize and manage your emotions effectively. It helps you identify when you're feeling low or stressed, allowing you to take proactive steps to improve your mood and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Early detection of depression: Regularly tracking your mood allows you to identify potential shifts or patterns that may indicate the onset of depressive symptoms. Early detection can prompt you to seek appropriate support and intervention, potentially minimizing the severity and duration of depressive episodes.

Is there a recommended frequency for tracking my mood?

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, scientific research suggests that tracking your mood consistently can offer valuable insights. The ideal frequency often depends on individual preferences and goals. Some studies suggest tracking daily for a more granular view, while others propose weekly intervals for a broader perspective.

Frequent mood tracking, such as a few times a day, can provide a more detailed understanding of how your mood fluctuates, offering insights into triggers, patterns, and trends. On the other hand, less frequent tracking, such as weekly, may offer a broader overview of your emotional well-being over time.

Ultimately, the best approach is to find a rhythm that suits you and allows for meaningful observations without feeling burdensome. Experiment with different frequencies and choose what aligns with your lifestyle and helps you achieve your tracking goals. The key is consistent and regular tracking to gain the most benefit from understanding your emotional journey.

What are valence and arousal in mood tracking?

Valence and arousal are key dimensions used in mood tracking to categorize and understand emotions more comprehensively. Valence represents the pleasantness or unpleasantness of an emotion, ranging from negative to positive. It helps in determining whether an emotion is perceived as negative (e.g., sadness, anger) or positive (e.g., happiness, excitement). On the other hand, arousal measures the intensity or energy level of an emotion, ranging from low to high. It helps in identifying whether an emotion is calming or stimulating. By plotting your mood on the valence-arousal scale, you can visualize and track your emotional experiences in a more nuanced and structured manner, enabling a better understanding of your emotional state and behavior patterns.

How does the Mood Map work in Moodset?

The Mood Map in Moodset is a visual representation of emotions based on the circumplex model of affect, a widely used psychological framework. It allows users to plot their mood using two dimensions: valence and arousal. Valence ranges from 0 to 49 for negative emotions and from 51 to 100 for positive emotions. Arousal measures the intensity or activation level of the emotion, ranging from 0 to 100, indicating low arousal to high arousal. A neutral mood is depicted when both valence and arousal are at 50.

The Mood Map is divided into four main quadrants: negative low arousal, negative high arousal, positive high arousal, and positive low arousal. Each quadrant is further divided into four zones, making a total of 16 mood zones. Every zone encompasses a range of moods, and only one of them is used as the name of the zone to offer a basic grasp of how the mood map is organized. However, it's vital to emphasize that the precise mood is conveyed through numerical values (percentages) for valence and arousal.

We encourage users to focus more on the precise valence and arousal values they plot, as this provides a more accurate representation of their emotional state. The Mood Map is a powerful tool for users to visually track and understand their emotions, aiding in self-reflection and fostering emotional awareness. By utilizing this tool, users can gain valuable insights into their emotional patterns and work towards improving their well-being and overall mental health.

What are the benefits of using the circumplex model of affect over traditional mood measures that range from bad to good?

The circumplex model of affect offers a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of emotions compared to traditional mood measures that simply range from bad to good. While the bad to good scale provides a basic evaluation of emotions, it lacks depth and granularity.

In contrast, the circumplex model considers emotions in a two-dimensional space — valence and arousal. Valence helps us understand whether an emotion is negative or positive, capturing the emotional quality, whereas arousal provides insights into the intensity or activation level of the emotion. By combining these dimensions, the circumplex model can represent a wide array of emotions, offering a richer and more accurate portrayal of an individual's emotional experiences.

The circumplex model's multidimensional approach allows for a more precise and detailed analysis of emotional states. It enables users to recognize and categorize a broader spectrum of emotions, enhancing self-awareness and facilitating more effective communication about one's emotional state. Additionally, this model accommodates the complexity and variability of human emotions, making it a valuable tool for psychological research, therapy, and self-improvement.

How does the mood timeline work and why are some lines solid, dashed, or absent?

The mood timeline on the chart provides a visual representation of your mood journey over time, showing both valence and arousal levels. The lines connecting the points on the chart are designed to give you a sense of how your mood changes.

The lines vary in style (solid, dashed, or absent) based on the time intervals between your mood entries, giving you a quick understanding of the rhythm of your mood fluctuations. A solid line indicates closely spaced mood entries, suggesting a more continuous mood transition. A dashed line indicates a moderate gap between entries, allowing you to perceive mood shifts over slightly longer periods. An absent line signifies a significant time gap between entries, indicating the absence of data during that period.

This visualization is tailored to make it easier for you to interpret your mood patterns and changes over the selected time period, helping you gain insights into how your emotions fluctuate and how different aspects of your life may influence your mood.

Why do you use music to track the mood?

We harness the power of music to simplify and enhance your mood tracking experience. Analyzing the music you listen to automates the process, offering valuable insights into the content that resonates with you and its impact on your emotions.

Research consistently shows that music can evoke a spectrum of emotions. Upbeat tunes often spark feelings of joy and positivity, while slower melodies might prompt introspection or a sense of calm. Equally fascinating is how our mood influences the music we seek, creating a dynamic interplay between our emotions and musical choices.

While it's important to note that the relationship between your mood and a song's mood isn't one-to-one, there's a clear correlation. Everyone's emotional response to a piece of music is unique, influenced by their personality, preferences, and background. However, by analyzing music's emotional characteristics, you can draw insightful conclusions about your mood. For instance, a penchant for energetic, cheerful music may indicate a preference for positive, high-energy emotions.

Through this analysis, you can observe shifts in your mood over time by paying attention to the music you engage with. It's a dynamic and engaging way to comprehend and track your emotional journey, providing a richer understanding of the factors that influence your well-being.

Is Moodset free to use?

Moodset offers a free version of the app, allowing users to access and utilize essential features for mood tracking, exploring their emotional journey, and creating personalized playlists based on their emotions and music preferences. However, we also offer a premium subscription that provides additional features and benefits, enhancing the overall user experience. The subscription model helps support the continuous development and improvement of Moodset, ensuring a high-quality and feature-rich platform for all users. Users can choose to opt for the premium subscription for an enhanced Moodset experience while still enjoying the core functionalities of the app without any cost.

Are there any upcoming features or updates?

Yes, there are indeed upcoming features and updates planned for Moodset. We're constantly working to enhance and enrich your experience with new functionalities, improved user interfaces, and more. Stay tuned for exciting updates that will further elevate your mood tracking journey and provide you with even more personalized insights and features to explore.